Thursday, November 27, 2008


"To join with another is to join with yourself. That is why you always feel at home in another's arms because you are coming home to yourself."


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Happy Birthday my dear friend, Syairazi Sulaiman

Monday, November 24, 2008

.Five Is My Favourite Number.

Today I just stay at home only and spent time with my dear Dhia Danisha =))

22NoV----->Hang out with Atah,Dee,Anbreen & Nopal.Watched 'Quarantine' movie. It's the scariest but at the same time the most hilarious movie I've ever seen. You should watch it,then you'll know ;)
One of my favorite dessert's EGG TART & i did found a place in Pavillion that sells yummy yummy egg tart :D

21Nov-----> This is the day that my front hair had been cut x)

20Nov-----> A memorable day for my sister. It's called 'LongCall @ Call To The Bar'.
CONGRATS!!! I'm Proud of you ;)


Happy Birthday To Neesa. May ALLAH bless you always dear.

19Nov-----> My brother,sister in law, her 2 brothers,atah & me went to Istana Budaya to watch Impak Maksima The Musical. They did the car drifting scene. It had been co-directed by ZulHuzaimi with Cat Farish and Belalang as the music director and choreographer


Credit to Ahmad Idham for proposing the idea of doing the Impak Maksima The Musical :))

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It has been 9 months that I didn't touch my blog x) Now I'm on my semester break for 1 month and half so I guess I do have time for blogging. It has been 2 days that I've been sitting at home only. Bangun, nonton Tv, makan & minum. Boring boring but luckily I have my 'Nur Dhia Danisha' yg dijaga oleh my neighbour, Makcik Intan. For these few days, I went to Makcik Intan's house for few times just to check whether Baby D's sleeping or awake cuz I love to 'mengagah2' her. This evening I watched Premonition acting by Sandra Bullock. The movie did touch me because it shows that we should appreciate everything that we had in our life before it's too late.n yes,the ending was sad.
At night, I've watched 'Made Of Honor' for d 2nd time. Romantikkkkk :D
I still remember that the last time I read a novel, 'P.S. I Love You' was about few months ago & I still havent finish reading it. So lazyyy.ho ho. But 2nite, I've bear in mind dat i'll start reading it all over again.yeaaa, i know that the novel's already being published for quite sometime, but who cares? xoxo.